In a jiffy, I'm a Copywriter.
I specialize in brewing effective and creative copies using
Humane Storytelling.
I aim to make my stories best resound your Brand's vision, thus helping you connect with and reach a wider audience.
Here are some of the Brands that I've worked with

Here's how I can help
wayward research
The One where we talk
- a lot!
I try to understand your Brand's mission and vision and your product/service's ultimate goal.
humane Storytelling
The One where I think
- a lot!
Let's admit it- everyone loves stories!
Your story is not necessarily your history- it's the conflict your audience is fighting and how your Brand, the Hero, will help them win.
The One where I write
- a lot!
Your Brand has a soul that needs to be woven into all your content- be it website content,blogs, social media posts, or cold emails. This way you'll build trust and credibility, and invariably drive sales.
The One where I become your audience
- freakishly a lot!
Ads are often overlooked by the mass out there.
Being able to 'blend in' and give your audience Value, will make them stop scrolling.